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beris long Pelham with KONNEX mouthpiece

Product no. 6533811-140
EAN 4046228267807
color: soft
Size: 140 mm
beris long Pelham with KONNEX mouthpiece
Product no.: 6533811-140
EAN: 4046228267807
This combines the effect of a tongue port with the positive characteristics of the butterfly bar. The profile of the KONNEX bar is slimmer, it positions itself very comfortably in the horse’s mouth, providing more room. In addition, the port is significantly broader in the KONNEX bar. Suitable for horses with little room in their mouth, e.g. thoroughbred types or older horses (due to change in dental alignment), horses with larger tongues and especially those not tolerating pressure points on the tongue.
Bits for the ambitious leisure rider and professional alike.
The beris bit factory in Schleswig-Holstein came into being as the result of years of manufacturing bits, the experience gained from this, skilled craftmanship and passion for equestrian sport:
Out of passion for the horse.
The protection of the horse"s sensitive mouth is most important to beris. From bit ring to the complicated cheekpieces: ever piece of metal parts is shaped formed by hand, welded and polished to perfection.
The innovative design of the mouthpiece also ensures a better acceptance of the bit and facilitates communication between horse and rider. The beris mouthpieces are made of a food safe plastic compound, processed and with a surface finish unequalled so far in the field of plastic bits. Their surface is very smooth and they slide easily in the mouth, even if the horse doesn´t produce much saliva. Practically all horses like our mouthpieces. They produce saliva, chew more and accept the bit readily. True craftsmanship Made in Germany
Height of the tongue port 30 mm, Mouthpiece thickness 18 mm